Saturday, July 17, 2010



Although adults can evaluate and decide whether web tools are good to use in a teaching situation, it is actually a child who can test the program and tell you honestly what they like about it. My daughter Abby discusses what appeals to her about Shidonni in this 1 minute message. Kid tested and approved- the best authority of an effective web tool made for children, used by children and interactive with children.

I found it interesting that the things that I highlighted in a previous post were maybe not so important to my child. She liked the fact she could make clothes for her character and that she could color or scribble or whatever- there was no set rules on how to use the features. She has a chance to do a lot of exploration of this tool. The games, such as Chutes and Ladders, are familiar yet new with her own characters.

I think ultimately my daughter or even the children in my classroom could use this tool to do some creative writing using their own imaginative characters and situations. The possibilities are endless for a child using Shidonni.


  1. Sound like a great site to use with students. It may help tap into their creative side without them even realizing it!

  2. I like the fact that you used your daughter to sell it! It's amazing to me the difference in what we find valuable in a Web 2.0 tool and what a kid finds valuable. It makes me think about all the tools I've been looking at and passing on because I don't think there's value in them. I wonder what a kid would say about most of them.
