Sunday, August 1, 2010

BP_14 IMovie Final

I am so frustrated right now!!! Editing a movie and adding all of the small effects like music, titles, themes and sounds and special effects takes so much time!!! Frankly, my eyes start to blur and my behind hurts from being in one position too long!!! My utmost respect to the people who work in the Hollywood movie industry. I am not so sure I want to give up my day job at this point. I spent some time chopping up a video of my son and his friend at George Washington Carver National Monument and it looks terrible!!! UGH! Honestly, I thought it was easier than it looked....And I still have noise and unsightly arms and legs in my video. I will definitely not be complaining the next time I have to spend $9.50 to see a movie at the theater. I don't know about the actors, but the movie technicians certainly earn their money....Oh Imovie- how I wish I knew thee well....

To learn more about George Washington Carver National Monument ( Diamond, Missouri) and what it has to offer, go to this link- Click here

Check out the teacher page !!!!

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